There are so many ways for our members to use their gifts and talents to serve here at FPC Thomasville.
Below is a list of opportunities within the church where you can serve:



Ben Lindquist (Chair): benlindquist95@gmail.com
Elizabeth Mitchum (Staff): emitchum@fpcthomasville.org

To facilitate discipleship and growth opportunities for the church community to know God and be known to one another as we learn to live and love like Jesus.

  • Life Group Participant or Leader: 8-10 members who meet regularly to grow in relationship with God and each other.

    Sunday School Leader: Facilitate a class within a regular rotation of leaders.

  • FPC Sisterhood Women’s Ministry: Serve on leadership team.

  • Host/Volunteer at scheduled events.

  • MomCo Mentor Mom: Serve as mentor/leader at monthly meetings and on leadership team.

  • MomCo Childcare: Serve monthly on team of caregivers to supervise and engage children of participants, 4 years and under.

  • Men’s Ministry: Serve on leadership & planning team


Susan Harvard (Chair): sharvard21@gmail.com
Lisa Barber (Coordinator): lbarber@fpcthomasville.org

Partner with families to support young disciples to live and love like Jesus; modeling and training as we worship, grow, and serve in obedience to God’s Word.

  • Children's Sunday School: Lead or assist in presenting lessons and activities to the assigned age group (ages Preschool - 3rd grade)

  • Jesus & Me (JAM) Children's Discipleship: Assist leader with group facilitation, 1 Wednesday/month, 3:30-5:00 p.m.; no prep required.

  • Monthly MOMCo Childcare Provider: Join team of caregivers to supervise and engage children of participants, 4 years and under, 8:30-11 a.m, 2nd Tuesday of each month


Nearly Lilly (Chair): nelraylilly@gmail.com

Promote leadership development through our governing boards by recruiting, training, and mobilizing new officers both within our local congregation, national church, and community while keeping our local congregation involved and apprised of current issues within the EPC.

  • Nominating Committee: Recruit and recommend incoming slate of Elders and Deacons

  • Annual Officer Retreat and Joint Officer Meetings: Organize and set up buffet service


Frances Patterson (Chair): flpatt@rose.net

Facilitate connectedness among members and to provide compassionate response in times of need.

  • Bereavement Team: Host and/or provide plated food (sandwiches, sweets, nuts, etc.) when there is the occasion of a memorial service reception

  • College Connection Partner: Provide regular contact and encouragement to a FPC college student

  • Visitation Team: Make monthly visits to 2-3 home-bound or members in local assisted living centers


Tracy Courtney (Chair): tracycourtney@me.com

Plan and implement various events throughout the year where the church body and guests come together for Christian fellowship.

  • Boots and BBQ Fall Kickoff: Assist with setup and clean up, manage serving tables; (2 hours)

  • Thanksgiving Church Dinner: Set up and clean up food and drink tables; (2 hours)

  • Easter and New Member Reception: Set up and clean up, manage serving tables; (1 hour)

  • Plated Food Providers: For church-wide receptions, when called upon

  • Wednesday Night Dinners: Set up and clean up, manage serving tables; (1 hour)


Henry Campbell (Chair): hcampbell05@gmail.com

Promote stewardship as the faithful giving of one’s time, talent and financial resources to enable the church to worship, grow and serve.

  • Stewardship Planning: Serve on Stewardship Campaign team; one hour meetings, 1-2 times monthly, September - November


Mike Bixler (Chair): mbixler@rose.net

To promote and support mission partners and mission experiences at FPC through accountable mission partnerships, short-term mission trips, and regular communication with our partners.

  • Volunteer during World Mission Conference events

  • Interest in a 2025 Short-Term Mission Trip

  • Committee member, 2025 Global Missions Committee


Paul Brinkley (Chair): brinkleyga@gmail.com

Support local mission partners and member experiences through promoting awareness of local needs, providing consistent service opportunities and maintaining accountability.

  • Local Mission Partner Ambassador (30-60 min/month): Involved with the local mission partner to help ascertain their effectiveness and relay pertinent information and service opportunities to the Committee. 13 Partner-Ambassadors needed.

  • Kids Hope Mentor or Prayer Partner: Change a child’s life at Harper Elementary by either becoming a mentor to a child for one hour per week during the school year, or committing to faithfully pray for a mentor and their child during the assigned year.


Heather Lindquist (Chair): hlindquist95@gmail.com

Committed to providing a clear path for both visitors and new members to join and plug into our church; help members be engaged, fruitful and fulfilled in the ministry of FPC and the mission of Christ.

  • Connect: Engage visitors who fill out connect cards by contacting by call and/or note

  • Host/Greater: Serve at membership class and/or Coffee with the Pastor during scheduled fall and spring dates; assist in follow-up with those who attend

  • Link New Members to church activities by inviting them to Sunday school and special events

  • Visitor Bags: Maintain bags in Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall


Jay Flowers (Chair): jflowers9937@gmail.com

Partner with families and the congregation to reach and equip the next generation for Christ. We desire to build relationships with students so that they have a relationship with God.

  • Sunday School Leader: Serve on regular Sunday morning schedule; plan other activities for the group

  • Wednesday Evening Small Groups:

    • Meal Pick Up and Delivery: Rotating weekly schedule

    • Group Leader: Lead student study and discussion; weekly

  • Seasonal Events:

    • Disciple Now (January): Logistics (housing, meals, transportation); Host home; Group Leader

    • Christmas Progressive Dinner: Host home; meal preparation and serving

    • Senior Night (May): Set-up, decorate, & serve

  • Summer Activities:

    • Organize schedule of events

    • Adult Leader for day trips and/or Wednesday evening sessions


Charlie Beverly (Chair): charniebeverly@me.com
Brenda Lee (Chair): brendalee310@gmail.com

Create environments for vibrant worship of God as we come into His presence.

  • Sanctuary Choir: Rehearses weekly on Wednesday evening and Sunday morning; worship participants at weekly traditional worship

  • Worship Team: Rehearse before and perform weekly at Arise worship

  • Instrumentalist: Serve on the rotation of guest instrumentalist in both the Traditional & Arise services.

  • Worship Service Prep:

    • Fellowship Hall: Check weekly for tidiness and supplies

    • Sanctuary: Check weekly for tidiness and supplies

    • Bulletins: Fold bulletins weekly on Fridays

    • Communion Prep: Setup and clean up communion elements, monthly, based on service preference

  • Worship Support Team:

    • Arise Greeter: Serve once monthly on assigned team: arrive early, check worship space, greet and direct service participants, collect offering

    • Traditional Usher: Serve once monthly on assigned team: arrive early, check worship space, greet and direct service participants, collect offering

  • Special Occasion Teams:

    • Holy Week Services: Serve as usher/greeter; pray with and for participants

    • Greening of the Church for Advent Season: Serve on team to install seasonal decorations; take-down after Christmas

    • Coordinate Advent Readers: Contact and schedule families to provide Advent readings at both worship services, 4 Advent Sundays; assist families in advance preparation