February 21-23, 2025
The World Mission Conference is an exciting conference highlighting the power of the gospel around the world through the work of global and local missions. This three-day conference includes keynote speakers, dinner fellowships, mission forums, and outreach opportunities.
A WORD from the
Conference Chair
“Welcome to the 2025 World Mission Conference of First Presbyterian Church of Thomasville. It is such a privilege for us to have helped plan this year’s conference. Like each of the 49 conferences which came before, this one is a celebration of an amazing God who is using this church in amazing ways to share His love and grow His kingdom… here in Thomasville and around the world.
This year’s theme, “Declare”, carries a message that our Christian calling is both corporate and personal. In Psalm 96:3, we are reminded of our calling as Christians to “Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples.”God has inviting us into His grand story to give our time, talents, and treasure to further His kingdom locally and around the world. As we hear from our mission partners at this year’s conference, let us each consider the ways God is calling us to both give and go.
Come to learn. Come to be inspired & encouraged. Come to CELEBRATE with us!”
With kindest affection,
Randy & Lynn Andersen, WMC 2025 Chairs
![WMC 2023 Save The Date (5x7) Card-2 copy.png](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5b1ec6d12487fd970db37ddc/1733325824694-MS05W8HG8CNM73AUPQUP/WMC+2023+Save+The+Date+%285x7%29+Card-2+copy.png)
11:30AM-1:00 PM | Student Ministries Building
Join us for a catered lunch highlighting Mark Mueller, Executive Director of The Outreach Foundation to learn about the five missions we support through TOF.
5:30PM-7:00 PM | Fellowship Hall
You’re invited to our family friendly dinner with live music featuring our Children’s Choir and worship team, as well as Keynote Speaker, Sasan Tavassoli with the Iranian Church and Persian Diaspora.
*Mission themed activity for ages 4-5th grade after dinner.
*Nursery available for children under 4 years
8:30AM-12:00 PM | Disciples of Jesus Church (228 Augusta Ave., Thomasville, GA)
We will gather at our Mission Partner’s church to enjoy breakfast together and hear how we can “Go and Declare” in our own community! We will join our brothers and sisters in Christ to host a neighborhood festival with bounce houses, food distribution, Prayer Walk and BBQ lunch.
*Children’s Activity for Children ages 5 years old -5th grade in adjacent room with Mission-minded activities. 8:30am until Festival starts at 10:00am. Parents will take kids to festival to enjoy the games!
SUNDAY, February 23rd
9:00 AM-10:00AM | Fellowship Hall
Keynote Speaker: Worship and Keynote Speaker, Urgessa Biru with Light Of Hope Ethiopia
10:00AM-11:00AM | Fellowship Hall (Coffee and Snacks Provided)
Keynote Speaker: Panel Discussion Moderated by Pastor Tim with Sasan Talvassoli and wife, Kenna; Urgessa Biru and wife, Taliilee Fiqruu; Mark Mueller, Jay Stauffer, Belloc Haiti, Representatives of Youth Mission Trips (*Coffee and Snacks Provided)
11:00AM-12:00PM | Sanctuary
Keynote Speaker: Worship and Keynote Speaker, Urgessa Biru with Light Of Hope Ethiopia
Rev. SasAn TavasSoli
Iranian Missionary | Persian Diaspora | The Outreach Foundation
Despite intense persecution, the Church in Iran is exploding with unprecedented growth and incredible hunger for the Gospel. At the forefront of the of this movement is Rev. Sasan Tavassoli, an Iranian missionary who personally experienced a radical encounter with Jesus Christ and courageously left the Muslim faith. He leads a critically important satellite and online ministry reaching Iranians with the Gospel, equipping and supporting house churches throughout Iran, and providing leadership training for Iranian pastoral and church leaders worldwide. As Iranian refuges have migrated to Europe, Rev. Tavassoli’s ministry has expanded to serve and teach those new refugees. In August 2023 FPC fielded a mission team to Nuremberg, Germany at Rev. Tavassoli’s invitation to help lead a conference for the Iranian church in Germany and to experience the Iranian church movement in person.
Dr. Urgessa Biru
Light of Hope Ministry Ethiopia | Frontier Fellowship
We continue to partner with Frontier Fellowship’s Dr. Urgessa Biru and his wife Telile Fikru. Light of Hope Ministry Ethiopia, founded by Urgessa Biru, is reaching out to over 10 million Arsi Oromo people. The ministry approach is holistic, focusing on literacy, health, church planting, distribution of Bibles in the Oromo language, and evangelism among this predominately Muslim people group. Teams of teacher-evangelists are trained and sent to villages that want a school in their community. Despite the ongoing civil war, schools have remained open allowing teachers to continue to build peaceful relationships between Muslims and emerging followers of Jesus.
Dr. Mark Mueller
Executive Director | The Outreach Foundation
The Rev. Dr. Mark Mueller, Executive Director of The Outreach Foundation since October 2020, served congregations for 23 years in Alabama and Indiana before arriving in 2018 at The Outreach Foundation as Director of Development. Prior to ministry, Mark worked in the public school systems of Utah and Arizona as a teacher and administrator. Mark has traveled extensively to the Middle East, Europe, Mexico, and Africa. Mark earned a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Arizona, a Master of Educational Leadership at Brigham Young University, a Master of Divinity from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry degree at Columbia Theological Seminary with an emphasis on Evangelism and New Church Development.
How might God be calling you and your family to support world missions? See the information below to learn more about our mission partners and 2025 goals. Our church is committed to supporting our international mission partners at the levels listed below:
The Outreach Foundation
Kenya | $20,000
The Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) is growing at a rate of 15% annually! Our partners in Kenya are Stu and Annie Ross. Over 20 years, our congregation has sent 9 mission teams to help continue this growth through the construction of churches, schools, orphanages, and rescue centers (rescuing young girls from the slavery of forced marriages and female mutilation). We will send another mission team to Kenya this July 2025.
Mexico | $15,000
Through our partnership with Todd Luke, our support continues for the Campechano Presbytery of the Yucatan Peninsula and surrounding communities. Todd and his wife, Maria, host mission teams to support their vision of evangelism and community development in the Xpujil region. FPC adult and student mission teams have assisted in the construction of much-needed family-owned rainwater cisterns and ministered to local school children through Vacation Bible Schools. This partnership program has built over 700 cisterns since 2002, with 33 completed in 2024. Our Youth will travel to Mexico to assist with this program in June 2025.
Cuba | $15,000
Our church’s partnership with the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Guanabacoa, Cuba, began in 2004. Guanabacoa is a neighborhood outside of Havana and it is teeming with young families and children. In recent years, our emphasis has been on teaching young children about Jesus. In January 2022, the Children’s Bible Ministry (CBM) opened its doors and enrollment was immediately at capacity. In March 2024, a small mission team from our church met with Pastor Yoelkis and his Session to forge an agreement to increase CBM’s capacity by 50%, and despite the worst economic crisis since the Communist revolution, work began on the expansion this past December. Funds we send will enable 60 children in this small community to attend a loving Christian preschool instead of a Communist government run daycare.
Iran | $7,000
Despite intense persecution, the Church in Iran is exploding with unprecedented growth and incredible hunger for the Gospel. Our mission partner, Reverend Dr. Sasan Tavassoli, himself an Iranian refugee who came to faith in Jesus as a teenager, is at the forefront of this movement. Sasan leads a satellite and online ministry that reaches Iranians with the Gospel. His mission equips house churches throughout Iran by providing leadership training for Iranian pastoral and church leaders worldwide.
Persian Diaspora (Nuremberg) | $15,000
As Iranian refugees continue to migrate to Europe, Rev. Tavassoli’s ministry has expanded to serve and teach the new refugees. In August 2023, at Rev. Tavassoli’s invitation, we fielded a mission team to Nuremberg, Germany to help lead a conference for the Iranian church in Germany and to experience the Iranian church movement in person. Our relationship with Sargez Benyamin, the church’s pastor, has continued to grow and our plans are to link arms with another U.S. church (in Bethlehem, PA) to focus on leader training and the translation of training materials into the Farsi language. We expect to send a second mission team to Nuremberg this year.
Haiti Outreach Ministries (HOM) | $5000
If you follow world news, you know how dreadfully difficult life has been in Haiti’s capital, Port au Prince, this past year. Civil unrest and gang violence specifically is the worst it’s ever been. Despite this evil environment, Haiti Outreach Ministries (HOM), founded by Pastor Leon Dorleans, hasn’t missed a beat. Their medical clinic doors remain open to 100 patients every day, the doctors and nurses are properly supplied and resourced, generators necessary for safe drinking water are running, their four schools are thriving, and their three churches welcome close to 3,000 worshippers every Sunday. Our funds will help ensure that each of these ministries continues to be a light in this very dark place.
Marion Medical Mission
Malawi, Zambia, Tanzania | $31,000
Marion Medical Mission, founded nearly 40 years ago by Tom and Jocelyn Logan, exists to share the love of Christ with the extreme poor in Malawi, Zambia, and Tanzania by providing small remote rural villages with a sustainable source of clean, safe drinking water. In 2024, more than 4,600 shallow wells were built and dedicated, serving more than 450,000 people, about half of them young children. Our WMC gifts will support well coordinator Rev. Elisha Mwasakifwa and field officer Lewis Silungwe.
Frontier Fellowship
Ethiopia | $20,000
FPC’s mission partnership in Ethiopia is rooted in the ministry and work of Dr. Urgessa Biru. Light of Hope Ministry (LOHM) has been winning converts for Jesus Christ among Muslim people in the Arssi Oromo region of Ethiopia since the tear 2000. Through a cooperative arrangement with local government authorities, the ministry sends teams of trained teacher-evangelists to villages that want a school in their community. Because of the program's effectiveness in ministering in a culturally appropriate way, this work serves as a model for other churches and denominations in reaching predominantly Muslim areas for the Gospel.
The Antioch Partners
The Antioch Partners/Andrew Adair | $10,000
The Antioch Partners (TAP) is a missionary-sending ministry focused on the development and support of long-term cross-cultural mission service opportunities. TAP works with churches to assess, train, and support long-term missionaries with a focus on Business as Mission. Through the leadership of Andrew Adair, executive director of TAP, our church is supporting missionaries throughout North and South America, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia.
Sacred Road Ministries
Sacred Road Ministries | $20,000
Our mission partners, Chris and Mary Granberry, have devoted the past 15+ years of their lives to a ministry of presence to Native American communities in the American Northwest. Serving the Yakama Indian Reservation in White Swan, Washington, and the Confederated Tribes in Warm Springs, Oregon, Sacred Road ministers to a growing community of believers through worship, children’s and youth ministry, Kingdom Kids after-school program, and many ‘good neighbor’ acts of service and mercy. FPC has a strong connection with Sacred Road having fielded summer interns and six mission teams to the Yakama Reservation and the Confederate Tribes of Warm Springs. Mission team participants help to paint and roof houses as well as conduct the Kid’s Club Bible camps in two tribal housing projects.
Other Mission PARTNERS
ITEN (International Theological Education Network) | $17,500
As part of EPC World Outreach, the International Theological Education Network (ITEN) provides theological training for pastors and leaders of new church plants among unreached people groups in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Our church is partnering with Mike and Stephanie Kuhn, who took over the leadership role of ITEN in 2022. A major emphasis of ITEN is training of church leaders in underserved places so they, in turn, can train other leaders.
EPC World Outreach Engage 2025 | $6,000
Engage 2025 is focused on engaging with unreached people groups in their own language and culture. Our church supports Saul and Jesse Huber, Mobilization Coordinators. Their important role is to recruit and coach young missionaries and mentor college students who are discerning God's call to mission.
FPC Belloc, Haiti Mission | $20,000
Established in 2011, the FPC Belloc, Haiti Mission strives to glorify God through evangelism, Christian education, and sustainable community development programs. Current activities include the Summer Bible School, a widow’s care program, and a rapidly growing English School. In July 2024, construction was completed on the Belloc Advanced Education Center, just in time for the 2024 Summer English program. Our funds helped construct, furnish and equip this facility. The potential impact envisioned for this center is amazing. In addition to on-going English instruction for students and adults, vocational training programs will be offered, helping to develop future leaders and businesses to benefit the Belloc community.
FPC Youth Mission Trips/Local Outreach | $5,000
The FPC Student Ministry Mission Trip Fund helps assure that our students can experience and serve on a life-changing mission trips, including Sacred Road trips to serve the Yakama Nation and trips to Mexico to work with Todd Luke in building water-catchment cisterns.
3R Ministries/Local Outreach | $7,500
This local ministry was founded by Kyle and Heather Bass to provide recovery and restoration to men struggling with addiction. Working with court systems from Thomas, Grady, Colquitt, Lowndes and Decatur Counties, 3R Ministries operates a supervised residential facility that provides a drug-free, safe environment with both structure and accountability for up to 13 men.
TOTAL WMC 2025 Mission GOAL: $226,000
2025 Conference Challenge Goal: $10,500 for Family Mission Trips
WMC 2025 Prayer Calendar
As we prepare for the 2025 World Mission Conference, we ask that you be in prayer for its success and impact, for the safe travels for our visiting missionaries and speakers and, more specifically, for our mission and ministry partners here in our community, across the nation and around the world. This daily prayer guide, commencing on February 1st and continuing until the conference, can help lead you to remember and pray for the many projects and ministries FPC Thomasville supports through our annual World Mission Conference.
If you would like to submit your pledge in support of the 2025 WMC fundraising goal, please click the link below and fill out our online form.
To make a donation now or schedule a recurring donation for the 2025 WMC, click the link below, select the WMC 2025 Fund, and fill out the form.